Monday, March 29, 2010


HI' my name is Sandra Jean, and am a teacher of God's word the bible today we will be looking at Romans 1:20 it says for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the worlds creations onward because they are perceive by the things made even his exernal  power and God ship so that they are inexcusable...Why are people so spiritually blind? (1)FIRST OF ALL BECAUSE SATAN THE GOD OF THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS HAS BLINDED THE MINDS OF THE UNBELIVERS SAYS: 2CORINTHIANS 4:4... (2)DOES NOT EVER ONE WANT TO SEE LIGHT? you may ask... from a natural stand-point yes most people do want to see but from a spirituar stand point becaues of pride...Prejudice and greed...(READ MATTHEW 4:15,16). Most people shut their eyes to the light. We must now treasure the eyes of our hearts most... Jealously and exercise the greatest care for them we never let them deteriorate in visual power and sharpness nor to relapse back into worly blindness..(READ HEB 12:2).

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