Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"Let me ask you something are you a person of faith?.# The question is how would you endure a trial that test your faith?. Trials are not pleasant. They can be very grievous. when Jesus Christ was spit upon and ridiculed and finally viciously beaten and nailed to a torture stake to die and agonizing death.(READ MATHEW 26:66-68. THEN MATHEW 27:26-30). Yet Jesus faithfully endured under trial, (1) FIRST IT BROUGHT PRAISED TO GOD NAME FOR JESUS FAITHFULNESS PROVED SATAN THE DEVIL INCAPABLE OF TURNING HIM FROM TRUE WORSHIP OF GOD.# Jesus was rewarded for his faithfulness with praise and honor when God resurrected him from the dead to heavenly life.(READ PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11).Just as Jesus was rewarded for his faithfulness so will be to if we are as faithful as Jesus Christ.    

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