Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Outside the ark, the people went about their life the same as before. They still did not believe that the Flood would come. They must have laughed more than more ever. But they soon stopped laughing. All of a sudden water began to fall. It poured down from the sky as when you pour water from a bucket. Noah had been right! But it was to late now for anybody else to get into the ark. The door had been closed tight by Jehovah. Soon all the low ground was covered. The water became like big rivers. For 40 days and 40 nights the water fell from the sky. It rose up the sides of mountains, and soon even the tallest mountains were covered. Noah and his sons had done a good job building the ark,,(READ MORE AT GENESIS 7: 10-24;  8:1-17  THEN 1PETER 3:19,20)

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