Tuesday, January 19, 2010


As we learned, Pharaoh told the Israelites to leave Egypt after God brought the 10th plague on the Egyptians. About 600,000 Israelite men left, as well as many women and children. After a few days the Israelites came to the Red Sea. There they rested. In the meantime, Pharaoh and his men began to feel sorry that they had sent the Israelites away. 'We have let our slaves go!' they said.So Pharaoh changed his mind once more. He quickly got his war chariot and his army ready. Then he began to chase after the Israelites with 600 special chariots, as well as all the other chariots of Egypt.When the Israelites saw Pharaoh and his army coming after them, they were very much afraid. There was no way to flee.Jehovah God then told Moses to stretch his stick out over the Red Sea. When he did, Jehovah caused a strong east wind to blow. The waters of the sea were parted, and the waters were held up on both sides. Then the Israelites began to march through the Red Sea on dry ground.It took hours for the millions of people with all their animals to get safely through the sea to the other side. Finally the Egyptians were able to see the Israelites again.There slaves were getting away! So they rushed into the sea after them. When they did, God caused the wheels of their chariots to fall off. The Egyptaians became very much afraid and began to cry out: 'Jehovah is fighting for the Israelites against us Let's get out of here! But it was too late. This is when Jehovah told Moses to stretch his stick out over the Red Sea, as you see in the picture. And when Moses did, the walls of water began to come back cover the Egyptians and their chariots.The whole army had followed the Israelites into the sea. And not one of the Egyptians got out alive!  (READ EXODUS CHAPTERS 12 TO 15)

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