Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Josiah is only eight years old when he becomes king of southern two tribes of Israel. This is very young for one to be king. When Josiah has been king for seven years he start seeking  Jehovah. He follows the example of good kings like David, Jehoshaphat and Hezekiah. Then, when he is still a teen-ager, Josiah does a brave thing. For a long time most of  the Israelites have been very bad. They worship false gods. They bow down to idols. So Josiah goes out with his men and begins to remove false worship from the land. Afterward, Josiah puts three men in charge of repairing  Jehovah temple,(READ MORE IN YOUR BIBLE AT  2CHRONICLES 34:1-28.)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Jehoshaphat is king of the two-tribe kingdom of  Israel. But know something happens to make the people afraid. Messengers report to Jehoshaphat: 'A large army from the countries of  Moab, Ammon and Mount Seir are coming to attack you.'Many Israelites gather at Jerusalem to seek Jehovah's help. They go to the temple, and there Jehoshaphat prays: 'O Jehovah our God, we do not know what to do. We are helpless against this large army, We look to you for help,' Jehovah listens, and he has one of his servants tell the people: 'The battle is not yours, but God's You will not have to fight. Just watch, and see how Jehovah will save you,' (READ MORE AT 1KINGS 22:41-53;  2CHRONICIES 20:1-30)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


There is Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. Then there are James and John, who are brothers too. Another apostle is also named James,and another one is also called Simon. Two apostles are named Judas. One is Judas Iscariot, and the other Judas is also called by the named Thaddaeus. Then there is Philip and Nathanael(also called Bartholomew),and Matthew and Thomas.After coming back from Samaria Jesus began to preach for the first time: "The kingdom of the heavens is near,' Do you know what that kingdom is? It is a real government of God. Jesus is its king He will rule from heaven and bring peace to the earth.Jesus is here teaching the people about the kingdom. 'This is how you should pray,' he is explaining. 'Our Father in heaven,let your name be honored. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.' (READ MORE AT MATTHEW CHAPTERS 5 TO 7 )


Outside the ark, the people went about their life the same as before. They still did not believe that the Flood would come. They must have laughed more than more ever. But they soon stopped laughing. All of a sudden water began to fall. It poured down from the sky as when you pour water from a bucket. Noah had been right! But it was to late now for anybody else to get into the ark. The door had been closed tight by Jehovah. Soon all the low ground was covered. The water became like big rivers. For 40 days and 40 nights the water fell from the sky. It rose up the sides of mountains, and soon even the tallest mountains were covered. Noah and his sons had done a good job building the ark,,(READ MORE AT GENESIS 7: 10-24;  8:1-17  THEN 1PETER 3:19,20)