Wednesday, March 31, 2010


"Let me ask you something are you a person of faith?.# The question is how would you endure a trial that test your faith?. Trials are not pleasant. They can be very grievous. when Jesus Christ was spit upon and ridiculed and finally viciously beaten and nailed to a torture stake to die and agonizing death.(READ MATHEW 26:66-68. THEN MATHEW 27:26-30). Yet Jesus faithfully endured under trial, (1) FIRST IT BROUGHT PRAISED TO GOD NAME FOR JESUS FAITHFULNESS PROVED SATAN THE DEVIL INCAPABLE OF TURNING HIM FROM TRUE WORSHIP OF GOD.# Jesus was rewarded for his faithfulness with praise and honor when God resurrected him from the dead to heavenly life.(READ PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11).Just as Jesus was rewarded for his faithfulness so will be to if we are as faithful as Jesus Christ.    



Monday, March 29, 2010


HI' my name is Sandra Jean, and am a teacher of God's word the bible today we will be looking at Romans 1:20 it says for his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the worlds creations onward because they are perceive by the things made even his exernal  power and God ship so that they are inexcusable...Why are people so spiritually blind? (1)FIRST OF ALL BECAUSE SATAN THE GOD OF THIS SYSTEM OF THINGS HAS BLINDED THE MINDS OF THE UNBELIVERS SAYS: 2CORINTHIANS 4:4... (2)DOES NOT EVER ONE WANT TO SEE LIGHT? you may ask... from a natural stand-point yes most people do want to see but from a spirituar stand point becaues of pride...Prejudice and greed...(READ MATTHEW 4:15,16). Most people shut their eyes to the light. We must now treasure the eyes of our hearts most... Jealously and exercise the greatest care for them we never let them deteriorate in visual power and sharpness nor to relapse back into worly blindness..(READ HEB 12:2).

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


JESUS came up to the Mount of Olives, and then these four apostles started asking him questions. Do you know what they are asking Jesus? The apostles are asking about things in the future. They know that Jesus will put an end to all badness on earth. But they want to know when this will happen. When will Jesus come again to rule as King? Jesus knows that his followers on earth not be able to see him when he comes again. This is because he will be in heaven, and they will not be able to see him there. So Jesus tells his apostles some of the things that will be happening on earth when he is ruling as King in heaven.What are some of these things? Jesus says that there will be great wars, many people will be sick and hungry, crime will be very bad, and there will be big earthquakes. Jesus also says that the good news about God's kingdom will be preached everywhere in the earth. Have we seen these things happening in our time? Yes! And so we can be sure that Jesus is now ruling in heaven. Soon he will put an end all badness on earth. (READ MORE AT MATTHEW 21:46; 23:1-39; 24:1-14;  MARK 13:3-10)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


As we learned, Pharaoh told the Israelites to leave Egypt after God brought the 10th plague on the Egyptians. About 600,000 Israelite men left, as well as many women and children. After a few days the Israelites came to the Red Sea. There they rested. In the meantime, Pharaoh and his men began to feel sorry that they had sent the Israelites away. 'We have let our slaves go!' they said.So Pharaoh changed his mind once more. He quickly got his war chariot and his army ready. Then he began to chase after the Israelites with 600 special chariots, as well as all the other chariots of Egypt.When the Israelites saw Pharaoh and his army coming after them, they were very much afraid. There was no way to flee.Jehovah God then told Moses to stretch his stick out over the Red Sea. When he did, Jehovah caused a strong east wind to blow. The waters of the sea were parted, and the waters were held up on both sides. Then the Israelites began to march through the Red Sea on dry ground.It took hours for the millions of people with all their animals to get safely through the sea to the other side. Finally the Egyptians were able to see the Israelites again.There slaves were getting away! So they rushed into the sea after them. When they did, God caused the wheels of their chariots to fall off. The Egyptaians became very much afraid and began to cry out: 'Jehovah is fighting for the Israelites against us Let's get out of here! But it was too late. This is when Jehovah told Moses to stretch his stick out over the Red Sea, as you see in the picture. And when Moses did, the walls of water began to come back cover the Egyptians and their chariots.The whole army had followed the Israelites into the sea. And not one of the Egyptians got out alive!  (READ EXODUS CHAPTERS 12 TO 15)

Monday, January 18, 2010


Soon the land was all dried off, and Noah and his family began a new life outside the ark.God blessed them and told them:'You must have many children. You must increase in numbers until people live all over the earth.' But later, when  people would hear about the great flood, they might be afraid that a flood like that would happen again. So God gave something that would remind people of his promise never to flood the whole earth again. Do you know what he gave to remind them? It was a rainbow. A rainbow is often seen in the sky when the sun shines after it has rained. Rainbows may have many beautiful colors. Have you ever seen one? Do you see the one in picture? This is what God said: 'I promise that never again will all people and animals be destroyed by a flood. I am putting my rainbow in the clouds. And when the rainbow appears, I will see it and remember the promise of mine.' So when you see a rainbow, what should it remind you of? ( GENESIS 8:18-22;  9:9-17.)